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indoor plants 2
I have problems with my house plants. Some are wilting, some have
brown tips and others just won't grow!
of this is telling you, 'Hey, I need water.' That burning on the
tips shows the soil is bone dry. It needs watering. Those tips can
just be picked off or cut off, and any dead branches at the bottom
will pull off really easily.
This plant is covered
in dust, so the plant can't breathe that well. The container is
also a little small, so it should be potted on. It's even tried
to send up a little pup here. What that's saying is, 'I'm under
stress. I've got to build myself up.'
not insurmountable. Slow-release fertiliser will help.
A ficus would do well
here because you get good air movement through your front door,
so you shouldn't get leaf drop. And if you do ever, you'll know
you've been a little light on the watering.
This a maidenhair fern,
and I don't think it's doing terribly well. It's too hot. That's
why there's poor leaf colour and why it's been dying back. Again,
more regular watering. But I wouldn't persevere with it, I'd put
it out in the garden.
you're much better off with is something like a Reiger begonia.
They're easy to look after. Keep them touch damp. Just touch it,
and if the soil stays on your fingertip, you know it's got enough
moisture. If it falls away, it's time to water it.
A shady bathroom that
doesn't get a lot of wind movement through it, that's where you
could grow a maidenhair very successfully. They don't like being
shifted around, so when you've got a plant growing well, don't shift
it. Put a saucer underneath and keep the water in that all the time.
Then you should get all this new growth.
when you boil your eggs in the morning keep the water and water
it with that when it's cold. It adds calcium to the plant, which
it loves. Even cold tea is quite useful, so you can save money on
expensive fertilisers. It's an easy way of recycling.
Your philodendron is
better outdoors. It's a very large-leafed plant. Philodendrons don't
like the heat coming off your TV either. That's why you get that
elongation in the stems.
If you want some bulk
greenery in the corner, I think a spathiphyllum (peace lily) would
be ideal. They're very easy plants and they flower for months.
Again, keep touch damp. It's a good indicator plant, too. When
the leaves wilt, it's saying, 'Hey, give me a drink.'
For the kitchen ornamental
peppers are ideal. They will fruit and flower for six to eight months
of the year, but in the middle of winter, the fruit will shrivel
a bit. Then you can repot them. And like us, they need fresh food.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH