Doctor Archive
climbers in tubs
can you give me some suggestions as to what climbers to plant in
big tubs outside they have to be evergreen.
are a huge number of climbers available for the home garden and
what you choose depends largely on where you live. A good idea is
to visit your local garden centre and see what they have on offer,
which should reflect what will grow in your area. I can give you
a few suggestions, based on your desire for an evergreen climber
which will grow in a container.
For warmer areas I strongly
recommend the native Tecomanthe speciosa. This species has
wonderful creamy flowers and glossy green leaves. Another plant
for warm areas is the Brazilian flame vine (Pyrostegia venusta),
which is very vigorous and rewards the gardener with masses of bright
orange flowers.
Plants that will cope
with slightly cooler conditions include Gelsemium (green
leaves and yellow trumpet-shaped flowers) and Bougainvillea.
Bougainvillea needs to be protected from frosts and can be
semi-deciduous in cooler conditions, but there are a wide variety
of cultivars available, and if put in the right spot can be very
rewarding. If in containers you will need to prune very hard to
keep it under control.
Other possibilities include
Pandorea, passionfruit (ornamental or fruiting) or one of
the non-invasive jasmines, some of which are frost-hardy.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH