Doctor Archive
moth on fruit trees
our property we have inherited a couple of apple and pear trees.
Over the past few years they have never been free of codling moth.
Can you please advise how we can rid these poor plants from this
pest? I am happy to use sprays but an organic alternative would
be interesting.
is damaged when the young codling moth caterpillar hatches and enters
the fruit. An insecticide such as Carbaryl can be used as soon as
petals fall in spring. Do not spray while in flower as Carbaryl
is toxic to bees. Repeat spray at fortnightly intervals; cease spraying
one month before harvest.
The best time to control
codling moth is when the adults are flying, from September to November,
using yellow phermone traps. These are sticky traps that are hung
in the tree and contain a phermone which attracts the female. The
female gets stuck and cannot lay her eggs. These traps are available
from garden centres and hardware stores under the Trappit brand.
A band of cardboard can
be put around the trunk or branches to trap larvae as they come
down the tree to pupate burn the bands in winter.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
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