Doctor Archive
cabbage trees
have just read your reply to another question
describing the 'dreaded cabbage tree virus'. I have four plants
of varying ages within a garden of a lot of cabbage trees that are
showing the same symptons yellow leaves, drooping crown and
mouldy brown areas. How can I stop this spreading to my other trees
and how far back should I cut the sick ones? All the way to the
ground seems drastic! (Do I have to paint the tops if I do this?)
it does sound like your cabbage trees may have the cabbage tree
"sudden decline" disease. I asked Dr Ross Beever, of Landcare Research,
what the latest was regarding the disease (Ross leads the team researching
the disease).
The disease is not caused
by a virus but by a specialised bacterium called Phytoplasma
australiense and is probably transmitted by a sap sucking insect
vector (possibly the passion vine leaf hopper).
In response to your question
about cutting the sick trunks back, Ross says that it usually doesn't
work, but occasionally you can be lucky. You often get re-sprouts
which collapse and die after reaching a metre or so in height
they get the disease because they are connected to the infected
rhizome under the ground. If the rhizomes are not connected, then
you may be OK.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH