Doctor Archive
a lawn
lawn seems to have lost its lushness, and is looking particularly
drab at the moment. I understand you can fertilise lawns. What can
I use?
maintenance is essential in spring when the grass is starting to
recover from the cold winter months. To assist healthy grass growth
it is important to fertilise, water regularly and eradicate moss
and weeds in the lawn.
Did you know that a well
cared for lawn can stand up better to periods of drought than a
neglected lawn?
The secret lies in the
healthy root system: an unfertilised lawn, which is being cut on
a regular basis, is constantly drawing on the nutrient reserves
in the soil. When these reserves run out, the lawn starts to deteriorate
and no longer has the vigour to stand up to periods of heat and
Spring is the best time
to fertilise lawn grasses and improve their strength and disease
resistance. There is a great choice of different types of fertilisers
available, and you will find there is a fertiliser type to suit
your needs and particular situation.
Lawns have high nutrient
requirements, and need regular feeding to ensure that the roots
and leaves can obtain sufficient nitrogen.
Yates Gro-Plus Lawn Food
is ideal for the purpose. It is a quality, well-balanced lawn food
which has been formulated to keep the grass in good condition.
Underfed lawns are pale
in colour and have a sparse, loose texture and are easily invaded
by weeds. Gro-Plus Professional Total Lawn Food is a slow release
lawn food which has been specially blended to promote a deep green
colour, and will not burn the grass after application. This product
will give thicker, greener leaves within two weeks and carries on
working for 4 months after application. Gro-Plus Professional Total
Lawn Food contains iron and sulphur which promote long-term plant
health and increases soil acidity, inhibiting the growth of coarse
grasses and weeds.
You can also use products
such as Yates Weed 'n' Feed, a combined lawn fertiliser and broadleaf
weedkiller in one. This is convenient as it destroys the weeds and
supplies plant food in one combined operation. Weed 'n' Feed is
very easy to use, and is operated simply by connecting your garden
hose with a click fitting to the container. This uses the hose water
to distribute the liquid fertiliser and herbicide combination onto
the lawn. Over the following weeks the broadleaf weeds begin to
die and the grasses start to grow with renewed enthusiasm.
Do you have a special
occasion when you want your lawn to have a green flush rapidly?
Thrive Soluble Lawn Food is rocket fuel for lawns. It supplies high
levels of nitrogen and being soluble the nitrogen is rapidly available.
Rapid lush green growth is the result.
If Onehunga weed, which
produces prickles in the lawn in summer, is a specific problem then
Prickle Weedkiller will provide excellent control. These should
be applied in the period between September and November, before
the Onehunga weed flowers and seeds.
Moss in lawns can be
a problem in badly drained or compacted soil, or in shady situations.
Spraying with Surrender can control moss. One application will remove
the moss.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH