Doctor Archive
on lemon tree
have a lemon tree and the leaves have a white/black fungus on it.
My lemons are not bright yellow, they are brown and look dried up.
The skin is very hard. I just bought the property with this tree
on it. I water it frequently.
sounds like your poor lemon tree is suffering at the moment. I think
you could have one, some, or all of the following problems:
First, your lemon could
have a fungal disease called verrucosis. This in itself is
usually not of major concern it usually causes the formation
of brown scabs on the outside of the fruit, but doesn't affect the
inside. In serious cases, however, the fruit can become hard
and leathery and dry. Treatment is relatively easy
you spray with copper oxychloride 4 or 5 times a year (following
the instructions on the particular brand you buy).
Second, the white "fungus"
could actually be a mealy bug infestation. These insects are
quite hard to get rid of and do a lot of damage to the host plant. You
could try removing them with a cottonbud soaked in methylated spirits. If
this is too large a job, then try spraying with orthene or conquerer
oil. If it is in fact a real fungus on the leaves, then the
copper oxychloride spray should deal with it.
Another possibility is
a lack of nutrients or water. Citrus trees are quite demanding
when it comes to food I suggest you buy a good citrus fertilizer
and regularly feed your tree. Sprinkle the fertilizer around
the dripline of the tree, but do not dig it in as lemons have their
roots quite close to the surface. Lemons require a lot of
water, especially in late summer, so it is possible the previous
owners did not keep the watering regime going while the house was
on the market. Good luck!
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
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