Doctor Archive
ficus 2
have a weeping ficus I think that is what it is called. It
is indoors, and it had borer for a while but I have killed that.
Since then it has developed a sap problem its leaves are
covered in sticky sap. It also gets yellow leaves and they fall
off. It doesn't look as dark in colour as other ficus I have seen.
are very hardy indoor (or outdoors in temperate regions) plants
that will stand a small amount of neglect. Water regularly, allowing
the surface of the potting mix to dry out. Do not let the plant
sit in water as this will cause root disorders.
Feed using a controlled
release fertiliser such as Osmocote at three monthly intervals.
Liquid feeding using Lush once a month will be beneficial to the
plant. Always follow the recommended rate on the packaging.
The plant dropping its
leaves is a sign of stress. It could be root bound and in need of
repotting. Now is not an ideal time to repot, although it will not
adversely affect the plant, it will "sit" until spring. It is better
to wait until August/September to repot your plant.
Insufficient or too much
watering can also cause the plant to drop its leaves. Adjust watering
if this is the case.
Because your ficus has
a sticky substance on the leaves, it is likely you have an infestation
of scale insect or mealy bug. Scale insect is a sucking insect.
You will find small brown discs or bumps on the underside of leaves
and on the stems. The sticky substance is a honeydew that they excrete.
You may find ants are attracted to it. Spray with Conqueror Oil
and Orthene mixed together. Repeat sprays will be required at 14
day intervals for complete irradication.
If you cannot find scale
insect, then look for mealy bug small white "mealy" insects
that hide in leaf nodes. They also excrete honeydew. Spray with
Conqueror Oil and Orthene. Repeat sprays will be required at 14
day intervals.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH