Doctor Archive
and soldier poppies
you tell me the difference between 'shirley' poppies and 'soldier'
common red poppy (Papaver rhoeas) which grows in fields and
wastelands is also known as soldier poppy or Flanders poppy. It
was so named because of its association to World War I, where its
fire-engine red flowers dotted the landscape of battlefields, especially
in Flanders. The flowers sprang up in bomb craters, around trenches,
and often at the site of soldiers' graves.
Previously these wild
flowers were only known as field or corn poppies. Today, of course,
they remain a symbol of the War and its fallen heroes.
The shirley poppy is
a cultivar of Papaver rhoeas developed in England from a
selection of specimens from the wild. It has large, single blooms
that are red, pink, white or bicoloured, and it has a pale centre
instead of a black one, which marks the centre of the wild poppy.
Both poppies are annuals
that readily self-sow.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
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