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have a silk tree (not the deciduous type), approximately 5 feet
high, and still in its infancy. We live in Christchurch, which is
being hit by some "cracker frosts" recently, leaving the leaves
and fronds on our silk tree rather brown and dry looking. Have the
frosts been too much for the tree, or might it start to perk up
once the frosts disappear? Is there something I can do to protect
the tree until then, or is it too late?
tree is the common name for Albizia julibrissin, which is
deciduous. Grevillea robusta is commonly known as silky oak
and is evergreen. I think this is the tree you have. Silky oaks
are hardy once established. The best time to plant to get trees
and shrubs established in areas where hard frosts are experienced
is spring.
Wait until the risk of
frost has passed and trim back the damaged foliage do not
do this before then, as new growth will be cut back with any late
frosts. You will have to wait until temperatures warm up to see
how severely the frost has affected your tree. If the tree has been
irreparably damaged, it could be a couple of weeks or months before
you know.
There are a few things
you can do to protect your tree in the future. Avoid applying fertiliser
in autumn as this encourages soft new growth. Fertilise plants in
late summer so new growth gets a chance to harden off. Apply a thick
layer of mulch in late summer before frosts appear; this will help
insulate the roots pea or barley straw is ideal. Use frost
cloth, which is available from hardware stores and garden centres,
which can be left on the tree or removed each day.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
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