Doctor Archive

mite on roses - 1
have a problem this year with spider mite on my patio roses. I can't
see any mites, but the webs are all over the underside of leaves
and the leaves have gone discoloured and are dropping. What is the
best spray to deal with this? I dusted them with a powder that said
was for mite and mildew, but it hasn't helped much.
it sounds like a bad infestation of mites. Spray with either Super
Shield, Mavrik or Mite Killer at 14 day intervals until there are
no signs of any mites. Alternate the sprays so that there is no
chance of resistance building up. Pick up any fallen leaves around
the rose to prevent over-wintering eggs remaining in the soil.
In winter, spray with
Conqueror Oil as a preventative measure to catch any eggs or mites
that may still be on the plant.
Make sure your rose is
well watered and fertilise regularly with rose fertiliser or Osmcote.
A good watering and feeding regime helps the plant build up natural
resistance to pests and diseases.
Throughout spring and
summer the occassional foliar or liquid feed will also benefit your
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH