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moved into our place in North Otago nearly five years ago and we
have been fighting a losing battle getting rid of stinging nettle.
Have you any suggestions for getting rid of this problem weed?
is difficult to control. There are products available to commercial
growers that are specific to nettles but not available to the home
I would suggest Round
Up Renew at double strength (20 ml per litre) with a penetrant such
as Pulse added to the spray. Pulse is a spray fix which enables
the spray to be absorbed into the plant quickly and is effective
on plants with waxy or hairy leaf surfaces (like nettles).
A Kiwi Care product called
Buster (Shortcut 20) is also effective on nettle. If your local
garden centre or hardware store do not stock it, they will be able
to order it in for you.
Yates NZ suggests you
may have some success with Activated Amitrole or Woody Weedkiller.
Some other suggestions
a thick mulch of pea straw, lawn clippings or similar to
smother the weeds. Newspaper can be placed underneath and the mulch
on top. Continual cultivation with a push hoe may also work.
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH