Doctor Archive

right bamboo
live in Greytown in the Wairarapa. Is there a bamboo that does not
die down in winter, is frost tolerant, will cover an iron fence,
and will not send out HUGE suckers?
decided to seek help from a bamboo specialist for this question,
so asked Pauline Isaachsen, from the Bamboo Specialists Nursery
of Auckland, what she thought. Pauline suggested one obvious choice,
"Fountain Bamboo", otherwise known as Fargesia nitida, Arundinaria
nitida, Sinarundinaria nitida or Thamnocalamus nitida
all different names for the same thing! This particular species
is frost hardy, slow growing, reaches 3.5 metres in height, doesn't
send out long runners and has attractive purple canes. A related
species, Fargesia murieliae, is similar, but has yellow canes.
One problem with both species (and most bamboos) is that they do
not cope with continuous cold winds, so would require some shelter.
Pauline also suggested
having a look for species of Himalaycalamus or Yushania,
which are also cold tolerant, but again are not so wind tolerant.
A useful book is "Gardeners
Guide to Growing Temperate Bamboos", by Michael Bell.
Good luck!
by Dr Dan Blanchon from Unitec's Diploma in Sustainable Horticulture and Bachelor
of Resource Management.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH