Doctor Archive
Gardens Fish dying
bought some new fish recently but they all died within two days
of putting them in my pond. All my other fish are ok, though.
is reasonably common and I wouldn't be too quick to blame the shop
you bought them from. Have you checked the water quality of your
pond lately? Ammonia and/or nitrite, pH and phosphate levels should
all be checked. pH especially has a nasty habit of slipping in an
established pond and the fish will gradually adjust.
New fish, however, do
not have several weeks or months to adjust and are shocked by the
sudden exposure to vastly different conditions from those they are
used to. They may die directly from the shock, but usually what
happens is their immune system is suppressed and they fall prey
to any infections that are going around. A few test kits are a good
Gardener, Issue 86, 2001, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.