Doctor Archive
have rhododendrons in our garden. A few weeks ago we noticed some
silvering leaves on one of them. What causes this?
rhodos are suffering from thrip damage. The silvering on the top
of the leaf and brown spotting underneath is a clear sign, since
the insects are very small and hard to see. Get a regular spray
programme underway using Yates Mavrik, Orthene or Confidor. The
spotting on the leaves could also be caused by over watering, wet
feet, spray scorch or general stress.
Watch your watering and
drainage over winter to ensure that root rot and fungal problems
don't set in. Remember to water and spray early in the morning or
late in the day so as not to burn the leaves.
Gardener, Issue 88, 2001, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.