Doctor Archive
red Cordyline
could you advise me on transplanting a red cabbage tree? The tree
is growing in my front garden and is about 1.5m high. I want to
replant it in a spot where another cabbage tree died. Can I replant
it? When should I do it? What fertiliser should I give it?
best time to transplant is autumn, when the tree will have slowed
down its growth rate, enabling it to recover better before summer.
You will need to dig very deep to get most of the root ball as cabbage
trees have long tap roots. Put into a good size hole, add some Magamp
slow release fertiliser which lasts for two years. Don't replant
it in the exact same spot as your last cabbage tree, in case there
are any fungal problems in the soil which caused it to die. Water
regularly through spring and summer with Nitrosol to encourage new
Gardener, Issue 88, 2001, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.