Doctor Archive
in Roses
am a very new gardener and last year launched into roses in a big
way. I was rewarded with gorgeous big flowers. I sprayed every two
weeks and thought it was easy. This year, however, disaster! One
whole section of roses is covered in unsightly rust - it's very
bad - the flowers are stunted and malformed and the leaves orange.
I had been spraying fortnightly since the first leaves appeared,
alternating between Super Shield, Gild or Saprol.
can definitely make roses unsightly and set them back, but don't
give up. Saprol and Gild are similar in fungicide chemicals, with
Gild having the advantage of killing insect pests as well. Keep
spraying, alternating between Super Shield with Saprol, Greenguard
or Bravo. Add a wetting agent with Super Shield and Saprol. Water
either early morning or late afternoon - in my experience this reduces
the risk of fungal problems. Come winter, prune your roses and discard
prunings and leaves that have fallen around the plants.
Plan a winter spray programme
using Copper Oxychloride and Conqueror Oil to protect the plants
and kill off any fungal spores that are present. Keep this up through
next spring when new growth starts to develop, then swap to your
usual spring/summer spray programme. Watch that the new growth doesn't
get spray burn and everything should come up roses!
Gardener, Issue 89, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.