Doctor Archive
Issue 88 you mentioned that you didn't have a recipe for Jeyes Fluid
Spray. We have used these hints for many years with great success.
Fluid can be safely sprayed on all flowers and vegetables at a dilution
of one teaspoonful per gallon of water, with the exception of very
small seedlings and tender subjects on which a small test should
first be made. This treatment acts as an effective deterrent to
flying pests such as blackfly, greenfly, carrotfly etc. by disguising
their natural plant harbourages. The treatment also assists in preventing
the spread of fungus. When spraying under glass, provide proper
ventilation and avoid sudden and erratic changes in temperature.
Jeyes Fluid can also
be used to sterilize garden soil. This is easily done when digging
over in spring. As you dig, soak each row and the trench with a
solution of one tablespoon of Jeyes Fluid per gallon of water. Obviously,
it is important to see that the solution penetrates well into every
particle of the soil, applying at least one gallon of solution to
each square yard. The soil can be used as soon as the smell has
gone - usually in about two weeks.
Gardener, Issue 90, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.