Doctor Archive
in dahlias
ADORE dahlias but my plants are infested with earwigs, which I am
much less fond of! Can you suggest an organic remedy for these bugs,
as I would prefer not to spray my plants?
nothing worse than picking a perfect bunch of dahlias from the summer
garden, only to have a colony of earwigs crawl out when you get
the flowers indoors. They are a common pest with dahlias, but you
can easily trap them in tubes of rolled up newspaper placed in among
the leaves. They will snuggle up in the sheltered environment and
the next day you can simply scrunch up the paper and throw it away.
Or you can shake the earwigs into a bucket of soapy water and let
them drown.
Gardener, Issue 92, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.