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are volunteer workers at a community park and most of us have little
specialist horticultural knowledge. However, we have a problem to
solve. We have had a number of yuccas growing well for the past
12-16 years and this year, all of a sudden, three decided to put
up flowering stems. These grew rapidly, reaching 3-4m high in about
two weeks. The flowers were lovely. Now, three months later we still
have some flowers and lots of seed pods, which have been a great
attraction to all our visitors. However the base leaves are now
all browning off badly. Can you give us some information about what
we should do next? Will the plants die? Are the seed pods of any
although these spiky subtropical plants look like yuccas, they are
actually furcraeas (the species in the photograph is either Furcraea
selloa or Fucraea bedinghausii). Unfortunately, furcraeas
are monocarpic, which means that the plants die after flowering/
setting seed or producing young plantlets.
The adult plants will
eventually require removal, however you can sow the seed when the
pods are ripe. Best of luck!
Thanks to Steve Benham
from the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens for his help in answering
your query.
Gardener, Issue 92, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.