Doctor Archive
Gardens Zebra Rush
have been trying to grow Zebra Rush but it always seems to lose
the stripes and go green all over. Can you offer any suggestions?
Zebra Rush is actually a horizontally variegated form of Lake Club
rush or Shoenoplectus validus. You are right - the yellow stripes
are not very well fixed and they tend to revert to the green form
if the plant is overfed. I therefore recommend that you do not feed
this plant ever! When potting, do not use an enriched mix either.
Also, you may have noted
that this plant often looks scruffy when offered for sale. This
is because the fragile and slender leaves are easily broken in transit.
I urge you to overlook these difficulties as it is a stunning plant
when well established and very good at removing toxins from water.
Gardener, Issue 93, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.