Doctor Archive
PLANTED a clerodendrum early last year and now find that it is sending
out runners everywhere. We dug the main plant out, but I am still
finding runners. I keep digging them out but wonder if it is an
easy thing to get rid of, or am I going to be finding it in years
to come? We discovered a bit late that it is on the invasive plant
in flower the Clerodendrum is a wonderful sight, but they
can get out of hand. The roots may now be a problem sending up suckers
and applying Yates Woody Weedkiller can control these. When new
shoots pop up, paint with neat chemical (not mixed with water) or
make up the solution to label instructions. If you are able to dig
up the roots do so, but you must make sure that you get everything
so no re-sprouting can occur. It will probably be a long process
if the plant was large and mature.
Gardener, Issue 94, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.