Doctor Archive
rose 'Graham Thomas'
I have the bush rose 'Graham Thomas'. It is such a vigorous grower
that at the moment it has put out these great long branches that
reach the eaves of my house and way out on to the lawn. Should it
be doing this? Do I leave them or cut them off - some have buds
on the ends. The bush is about three years old. A friend is having
the same problem with 'Graham Thomas'.
THOMAS' is one of the most beautiful golden-yellow roses, but yes,
it can also be given to excess! It will, however, respond well to
cutting. Keep control by pruning it back to a manageable height
- it will regrow quickly and flower. Another option is to espalier
the long canes. Train them horizontally or on wires attached on
a 45° angle across your house wall. As well as looking attractive,
espaliered roses also send up buds all along the canes, rather than
just on the tips.
Gardener, Issue 95, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.