Doctor Archive
HAVE been trying to propagate cuttings of 'Swane's Golden' cypress
to no avail. I have recently read that the tree is difficult to
grow from cuttings. I have collected some ripe cones which I have
opened up to get the seeds. Should I plant these in seedraising
mix or is there a requirement to pre-treat the seeds first? I'm
also wondering if they will grow true to type, or revert to a green
foliage form.
cypress species from cuttings is very difficult, even for experienced
nurserymen (some of whom will not even waste time or effort trying).
Many forms revert back to their original green colour and some will
do nothing, just sitting there for a couple of years, even if looked
after religiously. The keys for success appear to be good temperature
control, commercial misting systems and a watchful eye.
My advice would be to
cut your losses and buy plants from a garden centre instead. This
may not be cheap if you need a large number of trees, but there
are nurseries that sell small grade plants. If you want to try the
seeds from your cones, by all means give it a go - and good luck.
Gardener, Issue 95, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.