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Gardens Clean ponds
is the best way to keep a pond clean? I am considering installing
one, but have seen so many mucky, problematic water gardens that
I am put off.
answer is GOOD MANAGEMENT. Do not over stock, do not over feed,
use only good quality fish food and keep organic matter, such as
leaves and grass clippings, out and plant heavily with water plants.
Also, you should have
a good bio-filter and UV clarifier, a quality pump and you should
regularly use a biological additive.
These last items are
not an alternative to good management but, used in conjunction with
it, will ensure a clean, healthy and trouble-free pond.
Having said all this,
a pond will always have some organic matter in it and will never
be as clean as a swimming pool. If this is your desire, you will
be disappointed.
Gardener, Issue 95, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.