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Gardens Growing aquarium plants outdoors
SEE bunches of plants for sale in aquarium stores. Will these grow
in an outdoor pond?
depends on what species they are, as many are suitable only for
tropical tanks. The plants offered in aquarium stores are actually
bunches of cuttings and are an inexpensive way of presenting aquatic
plants. Some are species that will grow well in an outdoor pond,
but as they have no roots, they will take some time to establish.
As goldfish are notoriously
hard on plants, you may find that the bunches don't survive long
enough to set roots. For this reason I generally recommend using
established potted plants in ponds, especially if the pond contains
Gardener, Issue 96, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.