Doctor Archive
Gardens Tubifex worms
HAVE a lot of what appear to be red worms living in the sludge at
the bottom of my pond. Are these harmful and, if so, what can I
are most likely Tubifex worms. They are actually harmless - in fact,
they are very good fish food, as keepers of tropical fish will tell
However, as they grow
in organic sludge and feed on what you and I would call sewage,
they tend to indicate that it is time for a clean out.
Winter is the perfect
time for this unpleasant activity and as an added bonus, all the
murky sludge you remove is great for the compost heap.
Gardener, Issue 99, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.