Doctor Archive
Gardens UV clarifier
I switch off my UV clarifier during winter, as recommended by the
manufacturer, and bring it inside?
depends entirely on where you live in New Zealand. The reason that
pond equipment manufacturers advise that the units be brought inside
is that severely cold weather (we're talking about freezing temperatures,
with ice and snow) can cause the quartz glass sleeve to split and
they are expensive to replace.
Also, ponds are unlikely
to go green in winter and turning them off will extend the bulb
In Auckland it is unlikely
to get cold enough to warrant this procedure (I hope not anyway!)
and many modern UV filters have a Teflon sleeve, so I leave it to
you to make your own decision.
Gardener, Issue 99, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.