Doctor Archive
on tamarillo
yellow tamarillo has plenty of fruit on it but the fruit has hard
lumps just under the skin. What can I do to stop this?
seeing your tamarillos, it is difficult to diagnose your problem,
because the bumps could be caused by a number of things. It could
be insect damage from thrips, aphids or green vegetable bugs. Did
you see any of these on your fruit at early stages of development?
They suck the juice from the fruit, and cause white and/or hard
lesions to form under the skin later on. If the rest of the fruit
looks and tastes ok, then it will be fine to eat.
Next season, spray with
Yates Mavrik or Nature's Way Insect Spray, or take off the vegetable
bugs by hand and squash them to deter others.
The lesions could also
be bacterial, from wind damage (where fruit rub together) or from
nutrient deficiencies. It may pay to take your fruit into your local
garden centre and let them have a look for closer identification.
Gardener, Issue 100, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.