Doctor Archive
standard roses
HAVE never seen advice for pruning standard roses. I have three,
but I am not happy with them (and nor are they). They are in a fairly
exposed area and the new lush growth gets ripped off. They also
have a tendency to drop all their leaves after heavy rain. Can I
cut lower down the standard to produce a smaller plant - will they
shoot away? They are 'Graham Thomas' (right), 'Loving Memory' and
standard roses is very similar to bush roses, except that a standard
is a bush variety grafted onto the top of another rose. The base
or stock is grown into a long trunk, and the top or scion wood is
grafted on top. You can have tall and short standards depending
on where the scion is grafted. This means you can NOT cut the base
or stock, as it will not re-shoot unless you re-graft the scion
wood on again.
Prune standard roses
in winter by taking out any old, dead or diseased wood ABOVE the
graft. Take out some of the centre branches, as this helps to create
good airflow, and reduces the risk of high infestations of insects
and fungal problems. Prune back by at least half to two thirds.
Continue with your usual
winter spray programme of Conqueror Oil and Champion Copper. Do
this until spring growth appears and later swap to Shield, Super
Shield, Bravo or Confidor for summer spraying.
If your standards are
getting blown around a lot, it may pay to shift them this winter
to a more sheltered spot. Stake them well and feed with liquid fertiliser
in spring to encourage new growth. Put Yates Magamp in the hole
if you are replanting. This helps encourage good root growth.
Gardener, Issue 101, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.