Doctor Archive
HAVE enclosed a photo for you to identify this plant for me, please.
It is a type of bulb that gets bigger each year, and you get offsets
from it as well. It starts to grow in late spring and dies down
in the middle of April. It has not flowered and I am not sure whether
or not it does have flowers. These are about 4-5 years old. It will
not grow outside of Southland. I do have a name but I'm not sure
about it - Amorphophallus rivieri.
what an interesting plant you have! I have spoken with Terry Hatch
from Joy Plants in Pukekohe about your plant. He says it is possibly
a Sauromatum venosum, or Voodoo Lily. It is a subtropical
plant and flowers in spring. Flowers arise before the leaves. The
flowers are shaped like an arum lily. It is not a very common bulbous
plant, and you are very fortunate to have it growing in Gore. Keep
it indoors and it will be fine.
Gardener, Issue 102, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.