Doctor Archive
tolerant plants
have one small area on our long driveway that gets a tremendous
amount of wind. I have tried growing avocado, jacaranda, melia and
robinia, but they continually die or the branches break. Would a
feijoa tree survive the southerly wind? I don't want to plant a
coastal native that would survive as it would spoil the symmetry
of the drive. Any suggestions please?
you have very strong winds it may pay for you to put up some sort
of shelter belt first and then plant your trees. It would be best
to buy from a local garden centre or nursery that has plants that
are suited to your climate. Strong coastal winds are a real problem
that can cause burning, limb breakage and distorted growth or shape
to the plant. Some suggestions are citrus (lemon or ornamental variety),
hawthorn, cupressus, hakea, holly, pohutukawa, kapuka, olives and
cherry laurel. You may have to experiment to see what is going to
suit you and the other parts of the garden design best.
Gardener, Issue 102, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.