Doctor Archive
WAS given this cutting by a friend for identification, but I'm stumped.
None of my reference books help. All I know is it's a shrub. The
leaf growth and form is not unlike mallow, with the leaves growing
close together at the tips of shoots. An upright stem comes out
near the top of the shoot with 20 or so downward-facing scarlet
blooms. The flowers don't open fully and remain bell-like. The bark
is reddish. I've had this stem in water for a month and it's staying
brighter with buds continuing to form.
your photo and sample your plant looks like an abutilon. I am not
sure of the exact variety as there are so many available in garden
centres. The abutilon, or Japanese lantern, is a great all-round
garden shrub. The flowers are usually white, yellow, orange or pink
and appear in the summer. The plant is evergreen and can be planted
in full sun or semi-shade. It can grow to 2mH x 2mW. Some plants
can be kept as a pot plant quiet easily.
Gardener, Issue 103, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.