Doctor Archive
HAVE a myrtle tree that I have had about 10 years. Although I have
shifted it a few times (the last time five years ago) it has not
flowered. It has very healthy foliage, is protected from most winds
and I live about a kilometre from the sea facing the east. Two years
ago I bought another and planted it alongside the first one hoping
the older one might get the message. The new one of two years flowered
this year beautifully, but still nothing from the old one. Any ideas
that you can offer will be most gratefully received and acted on.
you certainly are busy in your garden. The myrtle, or crepe myrtle
as they are sometimes known, make a great show. The plant may be
under performing due to the transplant shock that it has had to
cope with over the 10 years. Watch where you have it placed in the
garden, and where you have had it. Myrtles like a free-draining
site, and don't like too much shade. They need full sun and don't
like a lot of feeding. When you do feed them, do it in late winter
or early spring. Feed with Yates Nutricote Outdoor and Garden or
Gro-Plus Professional Total Plant Food. Either of these fertilisers
will help the plant over spring and summer. You could use Yates
Thrive Flower and Fruit to add some potash to the soil. It may pay
to persevering with your tree, but you may have to leave it to do
its own thing.
Gardener, Issue 103, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.