Doctor Archive
you please give me ideas on plants that flower all seasons and are
hardy, like daisies. I have created a garden around a new house.
Having dug the soil, put river sand and rotted leaves in, I am now
having trouble with slugs eating my plants. I don't want to put
slug pellets down as it kills the little birds that eat the snails
and slugs (which are living in the mulch). I have decided to grow
only slug-resistant plants.
are myriad plants that you can choose from, but few will flower
continuously for 12 months. Most plants only flower for a season
(3-5 months), then go back to vegetative growth while they regenerate
themselves for another flowering.
I am not sure if your
garden is in a sunny or shady area, but some plants to try include:
cosmos, spider plant, poppies, calendulas, daisies, euphorbias,
felicia (kingfisher daisy), lavender, catmint, ornamental grasses,
natives, fuchsias, nandina and lily of the valley (pieris).
Deterring slugs and snails
is a hard job, and there are other things you can use if you don't
want to use slug baits. You can lay down salt, eggshells or sawdust,
or use snail houses to collect the pests for disposal. tilisers
will help the plant over spring and summer. You could use Yates
Thrive Flower and Fruit to add some potash to the soil. It may pay
to persevering with your tree, but you may have to leave it to do
its own thing.
Gardener, Issue 104, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.