Doctor Archive
'Katherine Havermeyer'
HAVE a Syringa 'Katherine Havermeyer' which is now four-years-old
but has not yet flowered. It was very small and bare when I bought
it from a reputable garden centre and I kept it in a pot for the
first two years. I then planted it out in a sunny spot and recently
gave it some organic lime and slow release fertiliser. When can
I expect my scented beauty to flower?
usually favour cold climates only. You will probably find that it
is too warm for it is Tauranga where you live. The same goes for
Peonies. Everyone north of Hamilton would love to have one in their
garden, but it is just not cold enough for them to grow and flower
properly there. You could try feeding with some potash or Yates
Thrive Flower and Fruit, but I really think that it is the climate
that is causing the plant not to flower.
Gardener, Issue 104, 2002, Page 20
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.