Doctor Archive
in lawn
you help with suggestions of what to use to rid our lawn of moss?
It is particularly prevalent this year. In previous years, we have
tried using Surrender and sulphate of iron, (separately, of course)
with reasonable success. We aerate the lawn regularly and feed once
or twice a year. But still the moss appears! Help.
in lawns is a really awful nuisance. The best thing to use is Yates
Surrender, as you have in other years. Also, watch the amount of
sun your lawn gets. Shade can increase the amount of moss. Thin
or prune trees to let more light in.
Rake the lawn to bring
the moss to the surface and you may be able to pick up the large
amounts by hand and spray what is left.
Also watch the aeration
of your lawn and the soil drainage. You may need to get a soil or
lawn aerator to use on the lawn. These can be hired or purchased
from garden centres and turf merchants.
Make sure that you fertilise
in the spring and autumn also. If you wish, you can use Yates Mosskiller
and Fertiliser for this job. Make sure that you water lawn fertilisers
in well so that no burning occurs.
Gardener, Issue 105, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.