Doctor Archive
on Brussels sprouts
HAVE harvested our Brussels sprouts, only to find that they are
heavily infested with aphids. The sprouts are so bad (the aphids
have got right into them) that a big part of the crop was not worth
saving. What can I do in future to prevent this infestation? It
is very disappointing, as preparing the sprouts for cooking is very
time consuming. I will be grateful if you are able to help.
is nothing worse than trying to get insects out of small vegetables
like Brussels sprouts! Try spraying with Target, Super Derris Dust
or Nature's Way Pyrethrum. You can use just one of these, however
it would be best to alternate with at least two chemicals. Also,
try to hose them out with a jet of water. Make sure that you get
right in to the centre of the sprout, as the aphids will try to
hide where they can't be reached by the sprays. Alternatively, grow
orange coloured nasturtiums near the vege garden to deter aphids.
Gardener, Issue 106, 2002, Page 24
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.