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Bulb fly on daffodils

COULD you please help me - my daffodils have bulb fly. I have dug up the ones that haven't grown, and removed all the poor growing ones. Can I spray for this or do you have any other suggestions?


BULB FLY is a real nuisance and you have a real problem. You will need to dig up and burn all the infested bulbs. Other bulbs can be sprayed with Orthene in the spring and summer. You need to work over the soil to cover any exposed bulbs and you may also need to use Yates Soil Insect Killer Granules that can be sprinkled over and worked into the soil. If you see any grubs pull these out and squish them immediately!

Weekend Gardener, Issue 106, 2002, Page 24

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.

Andrew Maloy Weekend Gardener

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