Doctor Archive
from seed
HAVE saved seed from three hybrid clematis. What are the chances
of them being true to colour and when and how do I sow them, please?
The climbers are 'Neelie Ineser', 'The President' and 'Ville de
Lyo' and all are growing fairly close to each other.
plants from seeds is always a great challenge, however, as the clematis
are hybrids, the plants you get will not be true to form. I'm not
sure what flower colours you will get, but you may get something
like the parent flowers of pink or purple.
The hybrids you have
are certainly wonderful ones, but it would be normal practice to
propagate these clematis by either cuttings or tissue culture.
Try sowing some of the
seeds now in spring, and perhaps try another batch in the autumn.
Sow the seeds in Black Magic Seedraising Mix and then transplant
them later when they have a few leaves.
Gardener, Issue 107, 2002, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.