Doctor Archive
What have I done to deserve an infestation of mealy bug in my garden
soil? It seems to be a patchy problem - potatoes and the roots of
brassicas and broad beans are affected sometimes - but it is enough
to be very disappointing. I have even had some in the flower garden.
is nothing worse than finding mealy bugs on the roots of your plants.
They are so invasive and get in everywhere that you think it is
near impossible to get rid of them. You can try drenching the soil
with Yates Orthene. It is registered for potatoes and brassicas
and can be used by drenching the area with a solution of chemical
as directed on the back label on the bottle. Use a watering can
to apply and leave for a few hours before drenching the soil with
plain water to wash away any chemical sitting in the soil. If the
infestation is bad then you may have to try this a few times, and
in the wintertime you may have to treat with Yates Basamid granules
for sterilising the soil.
Gardener, Issue 110, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.