Doctor Archive
on gerberas
AM having a lot of trouble with white rust on my gerberas. I have
picked the infected leaves off three times now and sprayed them
twice with Greenguard. It is back again. What do I have to do to
get rid of it?
make a great show in the garden but can suffer from lots of problems,
like white rust. A general fungicide should do the trick. You will
need to spray continually throughout the season as the rust will
not be controlled in a couple of sprays. Keep going with the Greenguard,
or alternate with Yates Fungus Fighter, Shield or Super Shield.
The advantage with using either Shield or Super Shield is that they
also contain an insecticide so you can do two jobs in one if you
also have insect pests around the plants.
Gardener, Issue 110, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.