Doctor Archive
a meal of it
potted flaxes have been absolutely attacked by mealybugs. There
are white bugs everywhere. Help!
can be a real problem on containergrown plants. They shelter under
the leaves and can infest the soil, particularly if your pots get
very dry throughout summer. To eradicate these pests, spray the
leaves with Confidor or Shield, or blast the plants with a strong
jet of water from your hose. If the infestation is severe, you should
take the plant from the pot to ensure the soil is not riddled with
these blighters as well. If it is, you will need to drench the soil
with Confidor too.
Gardener, Issue 119, 2003, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.