Doctor Archive
have two problems I need help with. I have a dogwood tree (Cornus)
that isn't flowering. How long does it take for them to do so? I've
had it for two years and it was a metre and a half tall when I bought
Also, could you please
tell me how to get rid of passion vine hoppers? They're eating the
life out of my plants.
can take up to 4 years to flower - the best advice is to be patient
and let your tree get itself established.
As for passion vine hoppers,
they're a nuisance to get rid of, and unfortunately, the best time
to control this season's outbreak was last winter! Keep this in
mind this year.
When your plants are
dormant, spray everything with Yates Conqueror Oil and have a good
garden clean up. Spraying with oil smothers the eggs and they'll
die before hatching.
If you do get an infestation,
start spraying at regular intervals with insecticides such as Maldison
or Orthene.
Gardener, Issue 119, 2003, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.