Doctor Archive
My problem is that
my dahlias have a blotchy look on their foliage. I have a large
collection with many beautiful bloomers. Some are very old and special,
while others are recent purchases. But mostly I've swapped tubers
with friends and family to gain different ones.
I mulch in early growth
with grass clippings and at the end of the season, after cutting
back, put a layer of either sawdust or barley straw to keep frost
away. At odd times they get a "dose" of rotted calfhouse litter.
I'm not allowed to water
any of my garden, as we live on a dairy farm and the cows come first.
Recently I was thrilled
to have a seedling develop to bloom as a wafer lily form in a rich
brick colour. When you have the patience to set seeds and let them
grow it's magic!
sounds like you have leaf spot on your dahlias. Spray with Fungus
Fighter or Greenguard at regular intervals until the problem has
cleared up.
Gardener, Issue 119, 2003, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.