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Tuberose tips

WE have a great tuberose border but we haven't had a flower in two years. Pre-Christmas - probably a good while before - my husband lifted the bulbs and found minute worms on them. We gave them all a good rinse and planted them in a new position. They are extremely healthy looking but I would like them to flower.


TUBEROSE bulbs should be lifted annually, and split up. The large older tubers should be discarded, as they only flower once. Replant the side bulbs.

The small worms could be nematodes, a very small soil insect that can cause a lot of problems with roots and bulbs. Try planting marigolds to ward off the pests. Next time you lift the bulbs, you may want to treat the soil with Basamid Granules.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 119, 2003, Page 29

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.

Andrew Maloy Weekend Gardener

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