Doctor Archive
from magic beans
problem is non-bearing dwarf beans. This summer I planted them in
a tub, in good potting mix, and I regularly (each day) gave them
a good watering. About twice a week, I included fertiliser. After
the first flowering and crop of beans, there wasn't another flowering.
The plants looked lovely and had healthy, nice green leaves - but
no flowers. I had herbs and flowers surrounding the tub, so I don't
think a lack of bees was the problem, because there were no flowers
to begin with.
you were too kind to your beans. If they were growing well, but
failing to flower, it could be because the fertiliser you were feeding
them with was high in nitrogen. If so this will cause a lot of leafy
growth and an imbalance in nutrients, so the plants would not have
been getting the potassium they needed for flower and fruit development.
Next season, swap to feeding with Yates Thrive Flower & Fruit and
use at weekly intervals. You can also try applying Sulphate of Potash
at four-weekly intervals. Beans also don't like to be near onions,
fennel, sunflowers or garlic, so if any of these were in your garden,
they could also be the cause of poor performance.
Gardener, Issue 120, 2003, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.