Doctor Archive
litter in the compost?
doesn't exactly count as a plant problem, but can dog and cat poo
be added to the compost heap? And what about used kitty litter?
Will it be too acidic?
theory you could add pet excrement to the compost heap but for health
reasons it's not a good idea. There's too much risk of getting fecal
contamination when handling the compost or working in the garden.
The best thing to do
with pet poo and kitty litter is bury it in the garden (not the
vegetable garden) and allow nature and soil organisms to deal with
it. Or flush it down the toilet. Incidentally, on the subject of
composting, if you have access to a computer check out
where there are great tips on what you can compost, how to make
good compost and how compost heaps work.
Gardener, Issue 136, 2003, Page 35
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.