Doctor Archive
HAVE found this year that my apple cucumbers taste a little bitter.
Is there any reason for this problem?
MOST likely reason is you could be leaving the apple cucumbers on
the plant too long before picking them. Unlike telegraph cucumbers
which are seedless, apple cucumbers need to be pollinated before
any fruit will form, so the fruit has seeds in it.
The problem with seeds
in cucumbers is they tend to make the flavour bitter and the longer
you leave the cucumber on the plant the worse it gets So pick them
early - they may be smaller but they'll taste better.
Picking early also encourages
more flowers and fruit. Also, fertilise the plant regularly and
make sure the soil stays moist, lack of water can affect the flavour.
Gardener, Issue 141, 2004, Page 22
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.