Doctor Archive
just noticed my kentia palm has white scale along the midrib of
the leaves and down the stem. How can I get rid of it?
most other plants I'd recommend an oil spray, but oil can damage
palms. Some people reckon a solution of around a teaspoon of dishwashing
liquid in a litre of water sprayed or washed over the plant, then
wiped clean, is a useful way of controlling them, but it certainly
doesn't get rid of them all.
The best thing is to
take the plant outdoors to a shady spot and give it a thorough spray
with an insecticide such as Confidor, Rogor 100 or Target. Make
sure to get good coverage above and below the leaves and on the
stem. Leave it to dry before taking the plant back indoors. The
dead scale won't disappear right away - it will be some time before
they've all dropped off.
Gardener, Issue 143, 2004, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.