Doctor Archive
in lawn
you please help me with a weed problem that's appeared in my well
manicured lawn? I've been told that because it's a grass, no lawn
weedkiller will get rid of it. Is this true and if so what can I
sample you sent is buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum).
It's a relatively common grass in coastal gardens in the North Island
but is also found in northern parts of the South Island.
Buffalo grass is a tough
spreading plant with wide bluish-green leaf blades. It grows best
in full sun in light sandy soils - you're unlikely to find it in
the shade or in moist areas. In the right conditions it can spread
through your lawn.
None of the home garden
lawn weedkillers will control it as they are designed to control
broadleaf weeds. Any herbicide that kills buffalo grass will also
kill your lawn grasses.
The only solutions I
can recommend are that you dig out the buffalo grass carefully every
time it crops up, or paint it with a solution of one of the many
glyphosate-based herbicides available such as Roundup, Zero or Westminster
or Butlers Glyphosate. Be careful not to get the weedkiller on the
rest of your lawn. Once the buffalo grass has died you'll need to
resow the bare patches with lawn seed.
Gardener, Issue 144, 2004, Page 26-27
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.